What is a Memory Cafe?
A Memory Cafe is a wonderfully welcoming place for individuals with Alzheimer’s or any type of the dementias or other brain disorders. Additionally, it is helpful for people with all forms of mild cognitive impairment.
Individual Memory Cafes focus on different aspects for a unique experience. You may find some are activities-based, while others focus on education. You might have one enjoying the connections of demographic-appropriate music and dancing. Others might focus on crafts and painting.
Not Respite Care
While a Memory Cafe is beneficial to those afflicted, it is also beneficial for their caregivers as well. It is not a place to “drop off” your loved one for a while, but a way to enjoy activities with them as a break from the normal routine.
A Memory Cafe is a safe and comfortable space where caregivers and their loved ones can socialize, listen to music, play games, and enjoy other appropriate activities. They provide mutual support and exchange information.
They can simply enjoy the company of those with similar things in common.
Activities are varied but tend to focus on topics that are apt to cause one to reminisce about times gone by. That “connection” to the past can be as comforting as it is medically beneficial. Emphasis is often placed on activities where humor can be a central part of the enjoyment.
You may find refreshments offered, or you may be a part of a pot-luck style gathering. In most cases, you’ll be able to obtain valuable resources from local support organizations to help you in your caregiving experience.
Mostly, a Memory Cafe is meant to make connections with those who are being challenged in a similar manner as you and your loved one.
The Chilton Public Library collaborates with the Calumet Area Aging Network in providing Memory Café’s. For other Café locations, dates and times in Calumet County, please go to: www.youradrcresource.org/calumetcounty.html